
Applications | Chemicals


With the continuous upgrading of scientific and technological surveying techniques, the demand for petroleum and chemical industrial products is increasing. Therefore, stricter requirements should be imposed on the inspection of petroleum and chemical products to ensure the continuity and safety of product quality. With the resurgence of industrial pollution issues, the attention to industrial emissions has been renewed. Many countries have a huge industrial scale, with millions of production enterprises, so industrial emissions and pollution need to be addressed according to local conditions. Additionally, there is also a portion of toxic and harmful gas emissions in industrial site environments. Common toxic and harmful gases in industrial production have various characteristics, such as toxicity, combustibility, asphyxiating properties, corrosiveness, and explosiveness. Taking proactive measures for online monitoring and pollution control can contribute to environmentally friendly industrial production, helping industrial production managers to prevent problems before they occur.

HT-Nova in response to the characteristics of the petroleum and chemical industry, possesses fast and convenient Raman spectrometers, photoionization detectors, and various composite monitoring instruments, which are extensively applied in the petroleum and chemical industry.

Reference Application Scenarios

Enhancing process safety

Process Integrity Monitoring: Chemical plants should continuously monitor various stages of chemical production processes to detect any deviations from normal operating conditions. By identifying potential leaks, spills, or equipment failures early on, these sensors can prevent costly shutdowns and mitigate risks to personnel and the environment

Storage Facility Monitoring: Chemical storage facilities are prone to leaks or unauthorized access, which can lead to hazardous situations. By monitoring tanks and containers in real-time, sensors alert operators to any anomalies, such as sudden changes in chemical levels or unauthorized entry attempts

Transportation Safety Assurance: Chemical substances are susceptible to accidents or tampering during transportation, posing risks to public safety. HT-Nova's sensors can be installed on transportation vehicles or cargo containers to detect any leaks, spills, or unauthorized openings, ensuring the safe transportation of hazardous materials

 Enhancing process safety

Regulatory compliance and emergency response support

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting: Toxic and harmful gas sensors can generate detailed data logs of chemical emissions, leaks, or incidents, facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements and reporting. By documenting compliance with environmental regulations, these sensors help chemical companies avoid penalties and maintain their social licenses to operate

Emergency Response Support: In chemical emergencies, HT-Nova's sensors provide critical information to emergency response teams, enabling them to quickly assess the situation and implement appropriate response measures. By enhancing situational awareness and coordination, these sensors help minimize the impact of chemical incidents on public health and the environment

 Regulatory compliance and emergency response support

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