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Company News

HT-Nova at CIPATE 2024

Publication Date: 2024-05-20

In May 2024, HT-Nova had the honor of participating in the 2024 International Police Equipment and Anti-Terrorism Technology Equipment Exhibition held in Beijing. This exhibition attracted renowned enterprises and professionals from around the world to collectively showcase and exchange the latest police equipment and anti-terrorism technology.


Our booth attracted numerous visitors to stop by, including representatives from various countries' police and security departments, as well as experts and scholars from related industries. During the exhibition, our team provided detailed introductions to the features and application scenarios of our products, and conducted live demonstrations showcasing their functionalities and advantages. Many visitors showed strong interest in our products and expressed their intention for further cooperation.


Through this exhibition, HT-Nova not only showcased our latest achievements but also gained further insights into industry trends and market demands. We have perceived a significant increase in demand for nuclear, biological, and chemical detection technology, indicating the growing importance of industry development. We look forward to collaborating with more industry partners in the future to advance the progress and development of law enforcement equipment and counter-terrorism technology together.

HT-Nova will continue to pay attention to and participate in various international exhibitions and exchange activities, continuously improving our technical capabilities and market influence, and making greater contributions to global law enforcement and security endeavors.


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